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Master Introductory Linguistics: Phonetics Workbook
6 Files
The workbook of all questions in the Master English Linguistics: Sound and Sound Patterns Workbook. This product contains over 150 practice words with audio files. It also contains a coupon code to take $15 off the main course should you choose to buy it.
TrevTutor (Trevor Block)
Master Discrete Math: Predicate Logic Workbook
1 File
A book containing only the questions and solutions for Master Discrete Mathematics: Predicate Logic. If you have purchased the course, you don't need to purchase this e-book.
TrevTutor (Trevor Block)
Master Discrete Math: Propositional Logic Workbook
1 File
A book containing only the questions and solutions for Master Discrete Mathematics: Propositional Logic. If you have purchased the course, you don't need to purchase this e-book.
TrevTutor (Trevor Block)
Master Discrete Math: Set Theory Workbook
1 File
A book containing only the questions and solutions for Master Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory. If you have purchased the course, you don't need to purchase this e-book.
TrevTutor (Trevor Block)
Master Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory
Available until
All of the set theory needed in computing science and discrete mathematics
TrevTutor (Trevor Block)
Master Discrete Mathematics: Propositional Logic
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All of the propositional logic needed in computing science and discrete mathematics
TrevTutor (Trevor Block)
Master Discrete Mathematics: Predicate Logic
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All of the predicate logic needed in computing science and discrete mathematics
TrevTutor (Trevor Block)
Master Introductory Linguistics: Phonetics
Available until
All of the information needed for the phonetics unit in an introductory linguistics course
TrevTutor (Trevor Block)
BUNDLE: Discrete Mathematics
The Master Discrete Mathematics Series in One Bundle
Courses: 3
Digital Downloads: 3
BUNDLE: English Grammar
All courses in the Master English Grammar series.
Courses: 3